Sunday, July 5, 2009

Jay Chou Wolrd Tour 2009 - Sydney

As I said in my last blog, I went to Jay's concert on Friday night. Not much to say, but these are the photos taken before the concert started. Everyone was so excited and right when a lady just annouced "Jay Chou IS about to come in ,Jay Chou IS about to come in..." Everyone was cheering SO loud! Haha~

Jay's first song sang was 菊花台. See those soldiers in armours?

Audiences cheering our of their minds.

Jay singing my favourite song in his latest album 魔杰座-说好的幸福呢.

Jay singing 髮如雪.

This guy who who is one of the crew performed tango dance for Jay's song, he proposed to his girlfriend in front of a million audiences.

There is some videos' "URL" below that I've recorded. Speaking about recording, I was so fed up with the lady sitting next to me. She was so damn crazy, beginning of the concert she kept talking to herself and when cheering for Jay, she took her cheering actions to another level which normal fans wouldn't do. When she's waving her balloon sticks, she kept getting in to my camera's view. I wish i can hit her with my own balloon stick. Damn..

Jay's entrance speech at his concert, 牛仔很忙, 稻香.

There are some more vidoes that are yet to be uploaded..Anyway, enjoy these vidoes and be sure to drop some comment..Thanks

Friday, July 3, 2009

Going To Jay Chou's Concert tonight..

Tonite will have something on at the Olympic Park... Rumours have been said that Jay's concert will be held in July during the beginning of March.. Indeed it was true...Although this is my first time going to a concert but honestly, i don't feel excited at all..Hahaha